Motor Accident Solicitors Society (Mass)
Legal Update: Whiplash Claims: Lack of action by government on small claims limit gives time for constructive talks
Alistair Kinley says the government’s latest motor measures have little connection to insurance claims and whiplash and there is a failure to implement Transport Select Committee recommendations.
Penny Black's Insurance Week - 31 October 2013
Law Society chairman Des Hudson shared a joke with his audience during his speech at the annual Motor Accident Solicitors Society conference this week.
Apil ‘relieved’ at MoJ's small claims decision delay
The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers has expressed relief at the Ministry of Justice announcement to delay a decision on increasing the small claims court limit for personal injury from £1 000 to £5 000.
Mass welcomes MoJ small claims deferral decision
The Motor Accident Solicitors Society has welcomed the Ministry of Justice’s announcement to defer its decision on the small claims limit for general damage claims.
Claimant lawyers warn against rushing into review of Jackson’s ‘problem areas’
Justice Ramsey’s review of reforms due for completion in April 2014.
Scottish civil litigation costs review not a repeat of Jackson reforms
Taylor review’s key proposals include QOCS and referral fee approval
Whiplash small claims track extension under threat
The conclusion of a Transport Select Committee inquiry into the cost of motor insurance has sparked “disappointment” among insurance industry bosses after MPs refused to support Ministry of Justice plans to place whiplash claims on the small claims track.
Axa’s whiplash proposals attacked for being ‘expensive and unnecessary’
French methods of using X-rays and MRI scans slammed by claimant bodies.
Mass calls for SRA rethink on enticements to claims
The Motor Accident Solicitors Society has expressed disappointment at the fact the Solicitors Regulation Authority is not considering outlawing cash or gift enticements to potential claimants.
Mass calls on legal industry to fight legal changes
The Motor Accident Solicitors Society has called on solicitors to keep fighting further change and report any problems in the new legal system.
Mass welcomes the government's ‘reasoned’ approach to whiplash
The Motor Accident Solicitors Society has welcomed the government’s decision to defer the publication of its response to the whiplash consultation until the Transport Select Committee whiplash inquiry finalises.
Mass welcomes Grayling’s call for lower insurance premiums
The Motor Accident Solicitors Society has welcomed Chris Grayling’s challenge to the insurance industry to bring down premiums.
Mass asks TSC to reconsider ‘ill-thought’ small claims limit proposals
The Motor Accident Solicitors Society has asked the Transport Select Committee to reconsider the impact of ‘ill-thought through’ proposal to increase the small claims limit.
Law Society defended in face of petition demanding new leadership
Claimant solicitor bodies acknowledge society is in ‘very difficult position’
Mass: Britain’s ‘have a go’ culture must end
The Motor Accident Solicitors Society has called for an end to the ‘have a go’ culture endemic across Britain, which has contributed to an increase in fraudulent motor accident claims.
Legal reforms: Damage to the system
While the Jackson reforms may reduce the cost of civil litigation, they could have unintended consequences for the insurance industry.
Mass warns against red tape resulting from medical panels
The Motor Accident Solicitors Society has backed in principle proposals put forward by the Association of British Insurers calling for accredited medical experts to assess whiplash injuries.
Zurich claims boss champions further RTA fixed cost reductions
Zurich’s casualty claims director believes reduced fixed recoverable costs for the Road Traffic Accident scheme could potentially be halved if a further consultation was to be given the go ahead.
Mass warns of unintended consequences of MoJ whiplash proposals
The Motor Accident Solicitors Society has urged the Ministry of Justice to reconsider its proposals to raise the small claims limit and introduce “cumbersome” medical panels and reporting amid fears of unintended negative consequences.
Judical review rejection paves the way for Jackson reforms
The High Court’s rejection of a judicial review into the road traffic accident personal injury fees scheme has cleared the road for the implementation of the remaining civil justice reforms, unless an appeal is lodged.
Editor's comment: Can’t we all just get along?
A mother’s word is often law. Both sides of whatever argument are heard, and then a ruling is made. Brief mutterings may ensue but these are quickly quashed and life goes on, hopefully in a more peaceful manner.
Mass challenges insurers to keep their promises
Craig Budsworth, chair of the Motor Accident Solicitors Society, has said the question around the reduction of legal costs is "no longer relevant" and called insurers to keep their promises of lower premiums.
Apil: ‘Dark day’ for innocent PI claimants
The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers said today was a “dark day” for innocent claimants, as the High Court rejected its legal challenge to the Ministry of Justice consultation on the Road Traffic Accident scheme.
Court rejects Apil and Mass’ judicial review
The High Court has rejected the joint legal challenge launched against the Road Traffic Accident personal injury scheme consultation process, launched by the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers and the Motor Accident Solicitors’ Society in January.