Fitch Ratings
UK insurers wait on developments following PM Cameron EU Treaty veto
Standard and Poor’s downgrade warning on 15 insurers should have been “no surprise” but the market is still in the same position it was a week ago given the lack of “concrete activity” at the weekend, according to an industry analyst.
Generali and Mapfre among insurers downgraded by Fitch
Several Italian and Spanish insurers have been downgraded following assessments of their pro-forma capital adequacy amid challenging investment conditions.
Fitch takes rating actions on Italian and Spanish insurers
Fitch said the rating actions follow its assessment of the insurers' pro-forma capital adequacy amid challenging investment conditions, particularly in Italy and Spain, including ongoing pressure from heightened government bond yields.
Japanese non-life sector stable, Fitch says
The outlook for the Japanese non-life insurance industry is stable, underpinned by a recovery in the core automobile business line, according to a new Fitch report.
Underwriting deficit from compulsory motor constrains Malaysian GI market
The rating outlook for Malaysia's insurance market is stable, supported by sound operating profitability, steady market growth and manageable exposure to investment risks.
Outlook negative for Rossiya Insurance Company
OJSC Rossiya Insurance Company has had its 'B-' insurer financial strength rating and its 'BB-' National IFS rating affirmed by Fitch.
Stable outlook for Indonesian non-life market
The outlook for Indonesia's non-life market is stable, driven by benign domestic economic conditions, sustainable demand for insurance policies, and enhanced regulatory capital requirements, according to recent report.
Fitch keeps ING Verzekeringen on negative watch
Fitch Ratings is keeping ING Verzekeringen NV and its subsidiaries on rating watch negative.
ASR operating entities 'A-' rating affirmed
Fitch has affirmed the ‘A-’ insurer financial strength rating and ‘BBB+’ long-term issuer default rating of Dutch insurers ASR Levensverzekering NV and ASR Schadeverzekering NV
Motor reform threatens Chinese non-life market
Commercial motor pricing reform and a worsening underwriting deficit of compulsory third liability are threats to the stable outlook of the Chinese non-life market, according to a recent report.
Softer capital charges for bonds positive for European insurers
European Commission proposals to lower capital charges for longer-dated unsecured corporate and financial institution bonds should mitigate the capital flight from these asset classes that is a likely side-effect of Solvency II, says to Fitch Ratings.
Fitch affirms SOGAZ rating
Fitch Ratings has affirmed Insurance Company of Gas Industry SOGAZ (Russia)’s Insurer Financial Strength rating at ‘BB+’ and National IFS rating at ‘AA(rus)’.
Net write-down will not affect Allianz rating
Allianz's net write-down of €2.6bn on its investment portfolio in Q311 will not affect the insurer's rating.
Gothaer's IFS affirmed at 'A'
Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung AG's and Gothaer Lebensversicherung AG's have had theit insurer financial strength ratings affirmed at 'A' and long-term issuer default ratings at 'A-'.
Italian insurers liable for losses if sovereign defaults
Italian insurers’ may be prevented from passing losses incurred in a sovereign default onto policyholders, if the return on customer portfolios is below the minimum guaranteed, according to Fitch.
Fitch: UK motor insurers need to control claims costs
Fitch Ratings said that the trading update released today by Admiral leads it to question the ability of underwriters to control the rising cost of motor claims involving personal injury.
Coface achieves 'AA-' rating and stable outlook
The major insurance entities of the Coface group has all received insurer financial strength ratings at 'AA-'.
Strong US ties help rate Axa's entities as 'AA-'
Axa has had all its entities' insurer financial strength ratings affirmed at 'AA-' by Fitch Ratings.
Groupama CEO Azéma sacked after Fitch and S&P action
A senior rating analyst has played down fears a raft of major European insurers could be on the end of downgrades in the wake of the European Union debt crisis.
Fitch affirms ‘A’ IFSR of ACI
Fitch has affirmed the ‘A’ insurer financial strength rating of Amlin Corporate Insurance, reflecting the strategic importance of the commercial lines writer to the Amlin group.
Greek debt exchange won't lead to insurance downgrades, says Fitch
Leading insurers across Europe have been told that manageable exposure to Greek government bonds will mean they will not be downgraded if they accept the EU's offer of a 50% haircut in return for new debt, according to Fitch Rating.
No insurance downgrades expected despite Greek exchange
Leading insurers across Europe have been told that manageable exposure to Greek government bonds will mean they will not be downgraded if they accept the EU's offer of a 50% haircut in return for new debt.
Thai floods: Insured losses to be "managable", says Fitch
Insured losses from the Thailand floods will be “manageable” at $4.5bn and not trigger widespread solvency problems, or undue financial strain for the country’s non-life insurance players, according to Fitch Ratings
Thailand flood losses manageable for insurers
While the current flooding in Thailand is unusually severe and economically costly, the insured losses are likely to be at a manageable level and will not trigger widespread solvency problems, or undue financial strain, for the country's non-life…