Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

Checking the price is right for insurance

Emma Ann Hughes examines how to prove the price is right of cover for different segments of consumers and observes it requires a whole lot more than just knowing the cost of delivering insurance products and services.

Greenwashing risks and the path to real progress

As the 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP29, begins Damisola Sulaiman explores the unique greenwashing risks the insurance industry faces, how those risks can be mitigated and the challenges faced in proving sustainability…

Why the FCA should slash red tape to save brokers

News Editor’s View: Scott McGee examines the impact of the Financial Conduct Authority’s Consumer Duty, debating whether the regulator's promise to reduce the weight of regulation is too little, too late for small brokers struggling as a result of red…

Why overseas capacity has become a concern for MGAs

Will Reddie and Bob Haken, partners at law firm HFW, explore the growing concern among managing general agents operating in the UK without capacity, which would put them in breach of regulations and runs the risk of criminal sanctions for both the…

How to meet the FCA’s expectations

Insurers need to be able to articulate the way they make money if they want to satisfy the Financial Conduct Authority, according to Michael Sicsic, founder and managing partner of Sicsic Advisory.

Path forward after the FCA’s fair value review

After the Financial Conduct Authority’s damning thematic review into insurance products oversight and governance, DA Strategy associate director Pamela Grover-Morgan and consultant Szymon Binienda look at why firms are still falling short of expectations.

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