Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
Checking the price is right for insurance
Emma Ann Hughes examines how to prove the price is right of cover for different segments of consumers and observes it requires a whole lot more than just knowing the cost of delivering insurance products and services.
ABI’s Gurga urges regulators to slash red tape
Hannah Gurga, director general of the Association of British Insurers, has urged the government and regulators to grab Alexander the Great’s sword and slash through the Gordian knot of regulation.
PRA finally throws Solvency II on Brexit bonfire
Four years after the Conservative Party promised a Brexit dividend for insurers, the Prudential Regulation Authority has published the set of rules that will replace the European Union’s Solvency II requirements.
Greenwashing risks and the path to real progress
As the 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP29, begins Damisola Sulaiman explores the unique greenwashing risks the insurance industry faces, how those risks can be mitigated and the challenges faced in proving sustainability…
FCA bans and fines broker £1.1m for misusing funds
The Financial Conduct Authority has banned Leigh Mackey from working in financial services and fined him £1.1m for misleading the FCA and misusing funds due to insurers.
FCA’s Brewis urges use of sandboxes to aid innovation
The Financial Conduct Authority’s director of insurance, Matt Brewis, has urged the insurance industry to utilise the regulators innovation sandbox, because it wants to work together with the industry to facilitate innovation.
FCA takes trio to court for arranging vacuum cover
The Financial Conduct Authority has started criminal proceedings against three individuals accused of arranging insurance cover for vacuum cleaners without the regulator’s permission.
FCA re-opens commercial lines rules consultation
The Financial Conduct Authority has “partially re-opened” its consultation about overhauling rules for commercial lines and bespoke insurance, in a bid to get more data from providers and brokers.
How the FCA could address premium finance failings
Marc Maxfield, risk and regulation expert at PA Consulting, explains what steps the regulator could take to reduce profiteering from premium finance plus how insurers should prepare for the watchdog's probe now.
Wheels in motion for changes that benefit insurance customers
Following her attendance at inaugural meeting of the government's motor insurance taskforce, Rocio Concha, director of policy and advocacy at Which, shares her hopes for robust action from the regulator to make the sector work better for customers.
General insurers share how the FCA fails to satisfy them
Three out of 10 general insurers question how effective the Financial Conduct Authority has been in regulating the financial services industry over the past year, according to a poll commissioned by the FCA Practitioner Panel.
FCA uncovers extent of sexual harassment in insurance
The Financial Conduct Authority has found that London market intermediaries had the highest relative proportion of reported incidents of sexual harassment compared with other surveyed sectors.
Why the government should examine how all insurance prices are set
James Daley, managing director of consumer group Fairer Finance, argues the government task force to tackle motor insurance should consider the way the entire general insurance market works.
Premium finance outlook ‘improving’ as FCA begins review
Following increased regulatory scrutiny from the Financial Conduct Authority, Pearson Ham research has found that average premium finance costs for motor and home insurance decreased over the last year.
Why premium finance is like a teenager’s stinky socks
Editor’s View: Emma Ann Hughes reflects on the ramifications of the Financial Conduct Authority shifting from issuing warnings to kicking off a review of premium finance for home and motor insurance on Wednesday (16 October).
Labour unveils motor insurance taskforce to crack down on costs
Labour transport secretary Louise Haigh has promised her party’s motor insurance task force will “crack down on spiralling costs” and deliver a “fair deal” for drivers.
FCA launches premium finance market review
The Financial Conduct Authority has launched a review of the premium finance market, alongside the launch of a government motor insurance taskforce.
FCA’s Mills says Consumer Duty needn’t inhibit growth
Sheldon Mills, the Financial Conduct Authority’s executive director for consumers and competition, has insisted that the Consumer Duty is not the block to growth that some people think it is.
Why the FCA should slash red tape to save brokers
News Editor’s View: Scott McGee examines the impact of the Financial Conduct Authority’s Consumer Duty, debating whether the regulator's promise to reduce the weight of regulation is too little, too late for small brokers struggling as a result of red…
Why overseas capacity has become a concern for MGAs
Will Reddie and Bob Haken, partners at law firm HFW, explore the growing concern among managing general agents operating in the UK without capacity, which would put them in breach of regulations and runs the risk of criminal sanctions for both the…
How to meet the FCA’s expectations
Insurers need to be able to articulate the way they make money if they want to satisfy the Financial Conduct Authority, according to Michael Sicsic, founder and managing partner of Sicsic Advisory.
FCA claims Gap action will save consumers £70m
The Financial Conduct Authority has said consumers will save around £70m due to improvements firms must make to guaranteed asset protection insurance products.
Path forward after the FCA’s fair value review
After the Financial Conduct Authority’s damning thematic review into insurance products oversight and governance, DA Strategy associate director Pamela Grover-Morgan and consultant Szymon Binienda look at why firms are still falling short of expectations.
CII’s Connell tackles fair pricing for premium finance
Trade Voice: Dr Matthew Connell, director of policy and public affairs at the Chartered Insurance Institute, says there are many ways of justifying whether a price is reasonable or not.