Fraud case ends up in Lords.
An employer would only be vicariously liable for losses from a fraud in which an employee was involv...
Lender v surveyor.
A mortgage lender which sued surveyors for negligently overvaluing property was found to be liable f...
IFAs to lose dominance.
Difficult times lie ahead for independent financial advisers as the pensions industry prepares for a...
Filming suspended following storms.
The filming of the latest James Bond movie The World Is Not Enough has been suspended following the ...
Exclusive - Travel fraud: the game's up.
Ravenstone UK, claims investigator, has launched a massive expansion in its travel claims business a...
Slammed for poor reports.
The insurance industry has been slammed for its inability to produce reasoned and readable annual re...
Court in the act.
A leading law firm invited claims handlers into the public gallery at Nottingham County Court to wat...
Big cheese from the Big Apple.
Brokers can get expert advice and tuition from political risk expert James Cunningham when he flies ...
Commentary - Time to tackle football claims.
In recent years, actions by one footballer against another over an alleged career-ending tackle have...
Law speeds up union recognition.
Gordon Noble gives a trade union perspective on how the relationship between the insurance industry and unions will pan out following the publication of the Employment Relations Bill.
Sales pitch is taking sponsorship too far.
Are giant corporate sponsors getting too big for their boots? Recent weeks should make anyone who ca...
A Woolf at the door.
Just how much will the Woolf reforms cost the insurance industry and how many companies are ready? Neil Harris explains.
Appointment at Berrymans Lace Mawer.
Marian Trippier has joined Berrymans Lace Mawer as northern personnel manager. She will handle staff...
New pensions fuel scepticism.
Government plans for a new flexible tax free pensions investment vehicle have met with industry oppo...
Superhighway or dead end?
The government has a radical blueprint for shaking up the UK's pensions system, but Francis Higney asks if the stakeholder pensions system and revamp of the state system actually get to the heart of the problems.
Don't tar all adjusters with the same brush.
As an adjuster who spent 22 years with an international firm but who is now self-employed running hi...
Stakeholder threat.
Pension providers unprepared for the shake up that stakeholder pensions will bring will lose more th...
Scourge of fee schemes.
The letter 'Bad adjusting practices leave fraudsters at large' (PM 14 Jan) makes me realise how fort...
Brokers in pay row.
Five brokers worked for Cantor Fitzgerald International on its Belgian government securities desk. ...
Appointment at Tunbridge Wells Equitable.
Kirsten Newble has joined Tunbridge Wells Equitable as protection product manager. Previously she wa...
The Max factor.
During his first year as Lloyd's chairman, Max Taylor has helped rejuvenate the market to the extent that companies are now fighting to get into Lime Street to do business. Yet Jonathan Guy finds Mr Taylor is not resting on his laurels.
Insurers to get personal.
Experian has launched a a marketing package designed to allow insurers to tailor the way they handle...
Commentary - No win, no fee: insurers handle with care.
It seems insurers are approaching no win, no fee cases with scepticism, and probably with good reaso...
Billion dollar drain.
Alex Beatty finds out how insurers and reinsurers are tackling the Sproblem of fraud.