Steady as she goes?
Terry Clark is the new chief executive of Converium, after replacing Dirk Lohmann. The troubled rei...
More of the same in 2005
Four months into the year and 2005 appears to be continuing from where 2004 left off, with the brigh...
Temps boost recruitment sector
Helphire forecasts profits of £14.3m
In advance of its year-end, Helphire has announced that trading in the last quarter of the financial year has been broadly in line with its expectations, despite motor claims being below usual levels for this time of year.
Incisive Media launches Rehabilitation First Awards
Incisive Media has launched the Rehabilitation First Awards, offering an opportunity for those that ...
Database helps up the fraud stakes
While the insurance industry should be congratulated on its efforts to combat fraud, given the revel...
Harassment needs evidence
Banks v Ablex (Court of Appeal - 24 February 2005)
Claims staff can't do it on their own
Norwich Union director of technical claims Dominic Clayden is completely right when he says that "ef...
Royal and Sun Alliance calls for reform to be stepped up
Royal and Sun Alliance has called for the pace of reform of the UK's employers' liability market to ...
Carry on a fraud
Travel Fraud
Fraud detection doubles
Insurers have almost doubled fraud detection during the past three years but are still only identify...
Solicitors biased over claims limit
Of course Thompsons doesn't want the small claims limit increased from £1000 to £5000 - it would los...
Fraud only forfeits fraud
Axa General Insurance v Gottlieb (Court of Appeal - 11 February 2005)
Support grows for fraud initiative
The CPP Group today signed up to support the Government Immobilise mobile phone initiative and predicted less mobile phone insurance fraud.
Zurich pledges reduced rates
Zurich Professional claims its revised professional indemnity insurance rates for accountants will offer premium savings of up to a third.
RSA ups the ante in EL reform push
Royal and Sun Alliance has called for the pace of reform of the UK’s Employers’ Liability market to be stepped-up.
Compensation delivery must be improved
"There has to be a better way of delivering compensation", Duncan Boyle, UK chief executive of Royal...
Forbes hit by Willis move
London Market News
Spitzer is just a symptom
Why are brokers concerned about the fallout in the UK from the Eliot Spitzer investigations in the U...
View from the Top
Industry must seize the opportunity to impress the public
Insurers launch appeal against pleural plaques judgement
Norwich Union and Zurich have lodged an appeal against the pleural plaques judgement made last month...
Chain reaction
Loss assessors are often left out of the claims process, with each link in the chain pulling against each other. Chris Ray argues this helps no one, least of all the consumer
Norwich Union to contest pleural plaques judgement
Norwich Union has decided to contest the pleural plaques judgement made earlier this year by Judge Holland, to continue compensation payments to people with pleural plaques
No long-term plan
Claimant's View