Insurance Post Staff
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Articles by Insurance Post Staff
Fortis and LV unclear about charities merger
The merger of two of the UK's largest charities has moved a step closer, although the potential impa...
Open GI SME platform
Open GI has expanded its commercial offering with the launch of a new SME trading platform. Open Tra...
Appointment at The Insurance Charities
The British Insurance Brokers' Association's Peter Staddon has been appointed to the board and the...
Groupama alone on motor increases
Groupama Insurances has announced it is happy to see its share of the motor market reduced to restor...
No change at GAB
In last week's issue of Post (19 February, p2) it was incorrectly reported that the recently announc...
Appointment at Teceris
Teceris Liability Services has appointed Ian Pearson and Chris Ascough , both formerly of Zurich In...
AFA opens Dublin branch to aid EU foreign national claims
London-based specialist claims firm Anglo French Adjusters is opening an office in Dublin where it w...
ABI's comparison code talks
Aggregator trade body Comparison Consortium and the Association of British Insurers have joined forc...
Eco-risks overtaken by crunch
Natural catastrophes and other environmental risks in the insurance sector have been eclipsed by tho...
Appointment at Towergate Partnership
Towergate Partnership has appointed Sue Lee as managing director of Towergate Patrick. Ms Lee was ...
CII gives weather warning
Climate change has implications for virtually all aspects and lines of the insurance industry, the C...
FSA sends out PPI letter
The Financial Services Authority has written to firms still selling single premium Payment Protectio...
Appointment at BHSF Group
BHSF Group has added Neil Mackay to the board and David Edmonds to the boards of it's subsidiary...
Looking back
Looking through Post's back catalogue paints a unique picture of more than 150 years of insurance ne...
NU flood tips go online
Norwich Union has launched online flood protection via its website for brokers to download to help b...
Enterprise benefits
Claire Rowland, UK sales manager of insurance, Enterprise Rent-a-Car, told delegates at the Motor Cl...
3I buyout will not impact Jelf, claims Alway
Alex Alway, chief executive officer of Jelf Group, has said he is confident that investment in the c...
Appointment at Aon
Aon has appointed Paul Manduca as non-executive chairman. Mr Manduca has been an independent non-e...
Crawford hires to combat rising fraud
Loss adjuster Crawford and Company UK has bolstered its corporate and major incident team with two a...
Appointment at Oval
Oval's financial services division has recruited as head of private clients and Billy Johnson a...
Names litigation thrown out by Court of Appeal
The Court of Appeal has thrown out a plea by Lloyd's Names to overturn a ruling last July that found Lloyd's was not involved in fraudulent activity surrounding its reinsurance to close.