Articles by Donna Scully
Carpenters’ Scully calls for claims portal review
Donna Scully, owner and director of Carpenters Group, gives her honest review of the Official Injury Claims Portal and outlines what steps should be taken to decrease friction and satellite litigation.
Justice Select Committee needs to prove its mettle over personal injury reforms
As the Justice Select Committee prepares to hear oral evidence about the government's personal injury proposals, Carpenters director Donna Scully bemoans the unrepresentative makeup of those giving evidence at a time when those in power need to be held…
Blog: The future of CMCs
Listening to the entirety of the Second Reading debate on the Prisons and Courts Bill last week, I was reminded once again of the pitfalls of short-sighted and ill-thought-out policy changes in the claims sector.
Blog: Whiplash reforms were supposed to be about fraud
There is something rather strange happening in the debate around the whiplash reforms. For all the sound and fury across the entrenched battle lines with which we are all familiar, there does appear to be a consensus forming across the divide.
Blog: Insurers could regret whiplash reforms
In the end, the whiplash reform moved remarkably quickly. After 12 months of deliberating, we only had six weeks of consultation, followed by seven weeks of considering what to do. The tangible result was the compiling of seven hurriedly drafted clauses…