Product liability

Intelligence: Insuring the growing US cannabis market

Last year Malta became the first European nation to legalise cannabis after the United Nations reclassified the drug to recognise its therapeutic uses and – with other EU countries looking to follow suit – Post spoke to the specialists striving to meet…

Intelligence: Product recall and labelling laws

Natasha’s Law has opened up a fresh range of risks for food businesses, while Brexit and Covid-19 have impacted product recall in other areas and ways. Post looks at what insurance cover is available for firms and what triggers they respond to

Blog: Product recalls - what will happen post-Brexit?

Product quality is essential to business survival, and yet these days, it seems recalls are rarely out of the media. Mistakes happen and processes fail, but it’s often with disastrous consequences to the business and the brand. Andrew Robinson, head of…

Blog: Opioid epidemic - The pain persists

Britain is in danger of replicating the painkiller epidemic that has ravaged the US. Dorothy Flower, partner, and Emma Kislingbury, associate at RPC, explore how this might impact pharmaceutical companies, medical practitioners, healthcare providers, and…

Blog: Are manufacturers recall ready?

With Brexit looming, manufacturers are facing the logistics of getting products to countries in the European Economic area and back. Natasha Catchpole, practice leader for crisis management and product recall at CFC Underwriting, explains how brokers can…