Post blog

Insuring Santa - A broker's conversation

Mr S Claus is trying to arrange comprehensive insurance cover regarding his large children's toy manufacturing arm, as well as worldwide freighting. His broker is struggling.

Blog: When rain waters down ticket sales

As a nation, the weather - good or bad - is a favourite topic of conversation. However, for promotors and organisers of concerts, festivals and other events, weather concerns are a serious issue, as meteorological conditions could cause an event to be…

Blog: Don't let your clients get burned this Bonfire Night

On Guy Fawkes Night this evening, fireworks and bonfires will bring the family together, creating an enjoyable atmosphere for children and adults alike. However, there is one other thing we need to remember, remember this 5th of November, and that's to…

Blog: Lay executors of wills unaware of liability risks

Increasingly people are being asked to take on the role of executor following the death of a friend or relative. In the past, it was common practice to name a solicitor or bank in a will as the main executor. But a Censuswide survey shows 75% of people…

Blog: Breaking down the barrier of mistrust

Given half a chance and insurers will wax lyrical about how ‘being there’ for policyholders in their time of need is what forms the foundation of an ancient and noble business model.

Quiz of the week

How well do you know what happened in the world of insurance this week? Test your knowledge of the week's news with Post's coffee break quiz.

The Insurance Quiz

How much do you know about insurance developments in the last seven days?