
Commission-hungry claims firms target Covid-hit businesses

Claims firms and no-win-no-fee solicitors have ramped up attempts to get businesses to make Covid-related claims with them following the Supreme Court business interruption ruling – but insurance experts are concerned that fees could be as much as 40% of…

Supreme Court BI ruling looms

The Supreme Court will issue its ruling today in the Covid-19 business interruption legal case with up to 370,000 policyholders and their insurers awaiting the outcome.

Blog: Should we return to a standard BI policy wording?

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted a split between what policyholders expect from business interruption cover and what insurers say it offers. Damian Glynn, Sedgwick International UK head of financial risks, asks whether customers are ensnared in a…

Intelligence: Gaming the new frontier

The insurance needs of the gaming sector are complicated and ever evolving but there are plenty of opportunities for those prepared to immerse themselves in this flourishing market.