
Week in Post: Borne back ceaselessly into the past

Halloween is now behind us, which means we’re now pitching irrevocably into Christmas season. The warbling of Maria Carey is already transforming supermarkets into no-go zones, and our inboxes are filling up with Christmas party invitations.

Esure's home COR hits 105% as adverse weather affects book

Esure profit before tax dropped 1.9% to £45.6m (2015: £46.5m) and its overall combined operating ratio worsened 3.4 percentage points to 99.2% for the six months ended 30 June 2016 as adverse weather events impacted the insurer's home book.

LGBT Cover: Over the rainbow

Pride in London Parade takes place on Saturday 25 June and this year's theme is #nofilter, encouraging lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people to stop self-censoring and live their life as they are. To insure these customers as they are, do…

Digital: Snooping in the age of social media

The access that private and public bodies have to our personal data has been a continual point of debate in the electronic age and the current passage through the Houses of Parliament of the Investigatory Powers Bill is a case in point