
Analysis: Re-merging the financial sector regulators

In 2013, Financial Services Authority was dissolved, and regulation responsibility was split between Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority with intention it will create a more effective regulation of financial services. Now the…

The top 30 European Insurers 2022: A return to growth

Europe’s 30 largest non-life insurers returned to growth in 2021 and – although high inflation, supply chain disruptions and surging energy prices should translate into premium growth – Mathilde Jakobsen of AM Best explains that profitability is expected…

Intelligence: Grenfell - five years on

Five years have passed since 72 victims lost their lives after after a fire ripped through a building featuring unsafe cladding. Rachel Gordon investigates what insurers have learnt from this, how building standards have moved on and if the prospects of…

Blog: What will the PAP changes mean for insurers?

The pre-action protocol consultation closed In January. Shirley Denyer, technical consultant of the Forum of Insurance Lawyers, considers what changes are likely to come into play and how they will impact upon insurers.